Friday, November 11, 2011

More food facts...

Hey guys,
I talked again to maintenance about getting recycling bins.  Should be here soon (vague time period, I know...)

I'm just throwing up the abstract of an article that I sent out earlier this semester.  I know it's a long hike to the DH from G, and even more challenging to whip up a hasty morning omelet in the apt. before class, but maybe it's worth the effort... if you're curious, dig back more into your first class inboxes to find the rest of the article.  I don't know if this article applies to the eating of sweet potato tots in the morning, but other than those cardiac stoppers, it seems like food might be the best way to say good morning.

Does Eating Breakfast Affect the Performance of College Students on Biology Exams?
Gregory W. Phillips

Abstract. This study examined the breakfast eating habits of 1,259 college students over an eleven year period to determine if eating breakfast had an impact upon their grade on a General Biology exam. The study determined that there was a significant difference in the performance on the exam with a higher percent of the participants, who had eaten breakfast passing the exam. The study found that only 65.6 percent of the students participating in the study had eaten breakfast. This finding supports the results of several other studies that people of college age show an increase in the percent skipping breakfast over individual of a younger age.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hey neiGhbors!

So Gvillians, as CA this month, I have to foster meaningful interpersonal relationships within our apartment complex.  I was nearly panicking this weekend as I contemplated ways to bring G together before my deadline today.  My mind raced as I tried to fall asleep on Saturday...what could the solution could i foster bonding within the apartment complex....

Enter, Fire Alarm.  Comeon, you can't tell me you didn't feel a deep connection with other G-ers, standing outside at 4 a.m. and listening to the screeching sound.  I admit, some of you were not appreciating the long term benefits of the early alarm at the time, but in a decade you will be thanking me!  I can't wait for our 25th year reunion, coming back to Furman (then a national baseball powerhouse), and having you guys come up to me, shaking my hand for burning my popcorn and consequently bringing our entire apartment together.  Perhaps we'll have our own G-complex reunion.  Mark your calendars: Nov 6, 2061 on the north village volleyball court (we'll have catchphrase and apples to apples for those of us who haven't aged so well...).

Okay, for those of you not interested in tripping fire alarms to bond with others, here are a few ideas:

Elevator study room: what better place to meet people and knock out some homework while also trying to decode the many messages on the elevator door (seriously, what do some of those say?)

Bike rack stretching: perfect for post PAC workouts and meet/greets.

Parking lot meals: okay, this idea is just dumb, but I didn't want to turn meaningful without three facetious suggestions first.

(Turning meaningful...)  And the greatest bonding method of all: Smile!  Flash those teeth big around the campus and our apartment this week, G villians.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Maybe mom was wrong about halloween candy...

What Are the Benefits of Chocolate Candy?

Heart Health

Chocolate is rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, which might benefit your cardiovascular health, reports The Hershey's website states that eating dark chocolate candy might help to lower your diastolic and systolic blood pressure levels by causing your blood vessels to dilate. Consuming chocolate candy might reduce your risk of blood clots, coronary artery blockages or strokes by stopping your blood platelets from sticking together, notes Andrew Weil, M.D. Choose chocolate candy with at least a 70 percent cocoa content listed on the label. Milk chocolate contains condensed or powdered milk, which might interfere with your body's ability to absorb the flavonoids.

Cholesterol Levels

Fitness Magazine reports that the flavonoids found in dark chocolate candy might help to raise your levels of the good cholesterol, called high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. These natural chemicals are also thought to prevent the oxidation of the bad cholesterol, called low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, which might cause plaque buildup or atherosclerosis. Hershey's adds that chocolate contains primarily healthy fats, including stearic acid and oleic acid, which have neutral effects on cholesterol levels.

Mental Health

Chocolate candy might also help to improve your cognitive functions by increasing the blood flow levels in your brain. The Exploratorium reports that the phenylethylamine chemical found in chocolate stimulates the activity of neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that help you stay alert and pay attention. Fitness Magazine explains that this stimulant may increase your learning abilities and memory skills. Eat dark chocolate in moderation, because consuming too much of it might cause weight gain.

Other Health Benefits reports that the natural chemicals contained in dark chocolate candy may activate specific enzymes that eliminate mutagens and carcinogens that can cause cancer. The flavonoids seem to be particularly effective against breast cancer cells. Chocolate also contains high levels of magnesium and is often used to treat chronic magnesium deficiency. notes that chocolate was traditionally used to treat tuberculosis, smallpox, yellow fever, scarlet fever and cholera.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Da Bins

Well---interesting responses from el residentes on recycling bin prefs.  Had a flurry of pink requests from the 200 level, a rainbow colored bin request from 307, a solid gold recycling bin request (savvy), lime green?!?!, and a couple people who took my question about the recycling bin color preference a little too seriously and asked me what colors were available.  Fortunately this year we have blue bins available.  Partly because of alliterative purposes.  But don't fret about losing your individuality!  We do have options determined by the bin's lifespan: robin blue, navy, electric blue for the science majors, Columbia blue for those Northeasterners, and ultramarine for ROTC peeps. 
I put everyone's order in and they should be handing out bins sometime....soon-ish.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Recycling Bins!

You know you want I just need to know if you want them.  Shoot me an email if you do want a bin, along with preferred color (totally superfluous, but I'm just curious).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life as a G


Props to our football and soccer residents who both thumped their opponents this weekend.  Way to represent Furman and Apartment G (you guys wore the patches I gave you, right?).

Quick list of business items for the buildings:

•    Roommate contracts due by Monday morning.  Drop 'em off in G103.
•    We can't leave these items out on the porches for threats of rust and rodents: the provided blue chairs, upholstered furniture, the provided brown counter chairs.
•    Also, noticed some people turned one of our G trees into a makeshift Bud Light Christmas Tree--although festive, please get the cans/boxes into el garbage.

Stay classy G,


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hey G-ites (running out of names here....any suggestions?),

I really enjoyed the cookout last night.  Thanks everyone for coming out and making the difficult decision of choosing between a jalapeno burger or a cheddar hot dog.  That was probably the most challenging question I had to answer for the night, over and above my homework for history and business classes. 

I hope you guys had a good time seeing/meeting your neighbors.  If you want to meet more of your neighbors, on a bigger scale, come out to the North Village Block Party on September 16th from 6 to 8.  There will be lots of delish food, ragin' music, and free rides in the Paladin's armor and on his horse (of course BYOPAH, Bring your own Paladin Armor and horse...).

Also, just to keep things classy, I tacked on a study about breakfast and it's effect on your performance in classes.  It's worth skimming the abstract and conclusion. 

Peace out G-omey's (see what I mean?)


Monday, September 5, 2011


 G-villians!    ---not to be confused with G-villains, as you all have been doing a stellah job of upholding the Helmsman. 

Well I hope everyone in G is enjoying your stay at this Ritz-level resort.  We have a beach front property with net included, an ocean front view crowned with a belltower, and we even have the advantage of high ground in case an inter-north-village-conflict breaks out  (hopefully the peace talks between E and K conclude soon).  So what is there not to love about our abode?

Let me give you another reason to love G this week.  Cookout.  ‘Nuff said.  Except for location, time…okay, more needs to be said.  This Wednesday, Sept 7, from 6-8 we are grilling out next to the volleyball court/pavilion/tennis court/back of the parking lot area.  My roommate and our president Teddy Hess will be flippin’ burgers like George Forman.  If you love to cook, bring a dish, if you love to play, bring cornhole, a basketball, CatchPhrase, Mad Gab….If you answered no to both of these last two questions, mooch away, it’s all good! 

So comeon, save a long walk to the DH and have 2.5x’s as much fun by coming by.

RA Daniel Stallsmith
…not to be confused with Will Stallsmith who also lives on the G 100, or Will Stallins who lives on G 300. 

Do me a huge favor if you can and shoot me an RSVP so I can get a general idea of how many people will come.  If you don’t end up getting this email until Wednesday at 5:59, don’t worry about it, come out anyway!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Home Everybody!
From ROTC to soccer players to psychology majors---we have it all here in North Village G. You even have a goofy lefthanded pitcher from the baseball team as your Community Assistant, CA (the new name for the RA's in North Village. Apparently the Housing people over at Estridge Commons wanted to add a little West Coast flare to our titles).
I'm looking forward to help you guys move in. I'm working on getting a small crane for some of you that live on floor three and don't feel like lugging your bags up stairs. Not sure if that'll come through though. Might just have to resort to the ol' elevator and the neighborhoods helping hands. I'll try to be around as much as possible for any problems as you're first moving in.
If you're struggling with moving in, shoot me a text at 704-351-4028 and I'll try to answer your question ASAP. If there is no issue, just keep an eye out for a reddish haired guy with a big smile---your CA named Daniel.