Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life as a G


Props to our football and soccer residents who both thumped their opponents this weekend.  Way to represent Furman and Apartment G (you guys wore the patches I gave you, right?).

Quick list of business items for the buildings:

•    Roommate contracts due by Monday morning.  Drop 'em off in G103.
•    We can't leave these items out on the porches for threats of rust and rodents: the provided blue chairs, upholstered furniture, the provided brown counter chairs.
•    Also, noticed some people turned one of our G trees into a makeshift Bud Light Christmas Tree--although festive, please get the cans/boxes into el garbage.

Stay classy G,


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hey G-ites (running out of names here....any suggestions?),

I really enjoyed the cookout last night.  Thanks everyone for coming out and making the difficult decision of choosing between a jalapeno burger or a cheddar hot dog.  That was probably the most challenging question I had to answer for the night, over and above my homework for history and business classes. 

I hope you guys had a good time seeing/meeting your neighbors.  If you want to meet more of your neighbors, on a bigger scale, come out to the North Village Block Party on September 16th from 6 to 8.  There will be lots of delish food, ragin' music, and free rides in the Paladin's armor and on his horse (of course BYOPAH, Bring your own Paladin Armor and horse...).

Also, just to keep things classy, I tacked on a study about breakfast and it's effect on your performance in classes.  It's worth skimming the abstract and conclusion. 

Peace out G-omey's (see what I mean?)


Monday, September 5, 2011


 G-villians!    ---not to be confused with G-villains, as you all have been doing a stellah job of upholding the Helmsman. 

Well I hope everyone in G is enjoying your stay at this Ritz-level resort.  We have a beach front property with net included, an ocean front view crowned with a belltower, and we even have the advantage of high ground in case an inter-north-village-conflict breaks out  (hopefully the peace talks between E and K conclude soon).  So what is there not to love about our abode?

Let me give you another reason to love G this week.  Cookout.  ‘Nuff said.  Except for location, time…okay, more needs to be said.  This Wednesday, Sept 7, from 6-8 we are grilling out next to the volleyball court/pavilion/tennis court/back of the parking lot area.  My roommate and our president Teddy Hess will be flippin’ burgers like George Forman.  If you love to cook, bring a dish, if you love to play, bring cornhole, a basketball, CatchPhrase, Mad Gab….If you answered no to both of these last two questions, mooch away, it’s all good! 

So comeon, save a long walk to the DH and have 2.5x’s as much fun by coming by.

RA Daniel Stallsmith
…not to be confused with Will Stallsmith who also lives on the G 100, or Will Stallins who lives on G 300. 

Do me a huge favor if you can and shoot me an RSVP so I can get a general idea of how many people will come.  If you don’t end up getting this email until Wednesday at 5:59, don’t worry about it, come out anyway!